Actualización Indiegogo (I)


Llevamos dos días de campaña y tenemos algunas noticias que compartir por aquí. Antes que nada, deciros que estamos muy contentos con el impacto que está teniendo el proyecto en los medios. España, Reino Unido, Turquía, Estados Unidos, China… un montón de publicaciones nos están ayudando a crear el impulso que el proyecto necesita. Os dejamos algunos de ellos aquí mismo (en español).



Y aquí tenéis tantos otros en inglés.

No menos importante que la prensa han sido las redes sociales, y eso os lo tenemos que agradecer a vosotros. Durante los próximos días y semanas vamos a seguir dependiendo de vuestra ayuda, así que por favor seguid difundiendo la palabra de la manera que más os guste: twitter, facebook, lo que queráis, mientras todo el mundo a vuestro alrededor escuche algo de Hybrid Play.

Creemos totalmente en el proyecto Hybrid Play, y vuestra presencia y ayuda nos reafirma con creces en esa confianza.

Y una cosa más, especialmente para los que viváis cerca de Madrid. Mañana mismo (Sábado 25 de Octubre) tendremos un taller gratuito de Hybrid Play en MediaLab Prado (Madrid). Por supuestísimo que estáis todos invitados, y a fin de cuentas es una gran oportunidad para conocer Hybrid Play de primera mano antes del lanzamiento. Más info aquí:

¡Seguimos en contacto!

Diego, Clara y el equipo de Hybrid Play.

Hybrid Play takes off (again)


Some years ago we had an idea. The goal, you currently know: invent a hybrid play space. It was not long until we drew a plan. Then it came many other ideas. A prototype, a workshop… and more inspiration seeking to transform the playgrounds. Our own inspiration, and those of the children that played with us. We had a dream. We HAVE a dream, and now we have a date to make it happen. Finally, we are launching our IndieGogo campaign October 22nd! That’s tomorrow!

We worked really hard, building a campaign that you’ll hopefully find interesting. Some details: final goal of $140.000, with a price of $124 for standard Hybrid Play units (only $99 the first early bird units). Of course we’ll also offer T-shirts and other affordable rewards, as well as some other surprises.

We’re still giving the final touches and polishing everything, but we’ve bring something to liven up the wait. These are some friends and colleagues that have helped us to shape what Hybrid Play means for us, and also letting us know their thoughts no the intersection between playground, education and video games. We count on you to make a great launch happen!

Hybrid Play App

We’ve released the demo version of the Hybrid Play app. Hope you like it!
It’s a sneak peek of the full version yet to come, in which you’ll find a lot of video games adapted to the playground. It features many early versions of the games that will be available. Also, you can check out how the app works, its graphic interface and how easy is to navigate through it; and if you prefer to try it first-hand, you can download the demo version in the Play Store. You’ll be able to install it in your device, take a look at the different games. A great way to know more about the project, but please note that you’ll need a Hybrid Play sensor to play! You’ll be able to get one soon.
Hybrid Play App is a free app available for Android 2.2 or later. It will be soon available on iTunes for iPhone 4S and later, iPad 3 or later models.

Hybrid Play workshop in Athens

It’s been some days since we came back to Spain from Athens, where we were invited by the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens. It was a brief but intense stay, that we utterly enjoyed thanks to the companionship and experience of our hosts, professor Dimitris Charitos and researchers Daphne Dragona and Iouliani Theona. Professor Charitos organizes the Hybrid City international conference, devoted to the analysis of the processes and transformations of contemporary cities, related to social ad technological development. It was for us a great opportunity to show them the most recent progresses of the Hybrid Play project, and gathering feedback from them. And Greek kids’ feedback as well. Even though the language seemed to be a troubled in the beginning, as soon as we started drawing any obstacle disappeared. How it is said “swing” in Greek? ¿and “slide”? Let’s better make a drawing! We learned new words, but playing is a universal language; we got to understand each other by simply playing. We talked about video games and also outdoor play, and we discovered something that we have found in many other places: children form Athens love video games, they have some game console at home and they also play with their parents’ smartphones. But if you ask them to go to the park and play with their friends… they accept without hesitation.

For two days we took part in a Hybrid Play workshop with seven kids aged five to eight years old, and their parents or companions. We started with a video game design session, in which they defined the themes that they wanted to play in the park, the structure of the games and the graphics. We’re always shocked by their capacity to generate new ideas, and in few minutes we had many proposals: a game about a diver looking for pearls, a car that has to avoid obstacles on the road… simple ideas that they had themselves, therefore being appealing for them. Finally we decided to produce three minigames, and they all together started to work in the graphics. The designs they drew in paper were digitized with a scanner and then, using Gamesonomy, the kids crated the games and were able to try them in the computer. Although we’ve been working side by side with Gamesonomy’s developers for quite some time, that was the very first time that the kids made their games with the system completely implemented, and the process as a whole was good. Despite not having much time, the ideas to produce were simple and the resultant minigames showed up functional and playable. And above all, the children had designed and made every game themselves!

The day after that we went to the park in the National Garden, and we opted to do what we like the most: to play out! We tried the new games, and also Pac-Man and Puzzle City. The Hybrid Play sensor worked like a charm in every element of the park, and the straightforward games that we made the day before turned into challenges: swinging right and left to dive, use the slide in order to catch the screws falling down from the sky…

Designing the sensor Hybrid Play

Joan Rojeski’s design studio faced the challenge of shaping a project that we had been building for years. We went to Joan Rojeski Studio needing to find a solution to the biggest problem we had from the very beginning: the placement in different elements of the park. Hybrid Play had to be placed anywhere a child could imagine while playing different games in the park. Years of thorough testing showed that the system demanded a simple, understandable, versatile and above all universal solution. So bearing those needs in mind the design project began.

The fact that Hybrid Play were in testing phase for quite some time was a bonus that facilitated the beginning of the conceptual phase considerably. That previous experience allowed the design studio to easily gather tons of valuable feedback, collecting essential data to move forward into a prototype.

The design process that Joan Rojeski followed relied on empirical work, an approach that remained an important part during the project. Clips, vents, rope, tape, velcro… all kinds of accessories and anchoring junction were considered through the conceptual phase. In this way we could study, together with the design team, as the children interacted with the various accessories in their favorite play places: the parks. Every decision we made and tested was supported by prototypes, that must be adapted to the strength and dimensions of children, but also for the elderly. After several iterations with the clip system and dimensional adjustments, we finally found a balanced solution, suitable for our starting investment in the project.

The five keys to Hybrid Play’s design

  • Placement versatility in diverse playground equipment
  • Provide intuitive and easy grip with a single system or solution
  • Appearance suitable game for kids and adults, with customization capabilities
  • Compact unit without accessory parts, and weather-resistant materials selection
  • Simple design adapted to production from a single mold

Hybrid Play Game Jam

Hybrid Play Game Jam
Hi again everyone! Let us remind that the following 13th, 14th and 15th June we have a Hybrid Play Game Jam both online and in the Espaitec 2 of the UJI (Castellón).

Fortunately everyone can be a game developer nowadays, and we at Hybrid Play want to celebrate the opportunity to create games together with experienced and beginner developers. Programmers, musicians, artists, designers… all kind of developers are invited to join our game jam, including children (or adults without game dev preparation). For them, we’re offering Visual Programming workshops with Gamesonomy.

The awaited day is approaching, and as we finish every possible preparation, we’ve brought a lot of interesting tools. Obviously 48 hours is quite a short time to create a game, but nothing we can’t achieve knowing the tools. Take a look at our list of resources, including video tutorials for Gamesonomy (sorry, only in Spanish yet!).

You’re still on time to sign up for any modality, either presential or online!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Finally, it’s time to introduce you to Hybrid Play. It’s been more than 6 years of work to get where we are today, a new phase that we start full of enthusiasm, looking forward to show a new way of playing worldwide. Our project, the same that we want to make yours, has many cornerstones. Firstly, we want to combine the benefits of traditional outdoor playing, with the ones provided by videogames. We have blended the two approaches and taken them into the streets, ready to recover the urban spaces. Secondly, promote logical thinking and creativity, allowing kids to create their own (video)games with tools within their reach. Last but not least, we wanted to create a fun and rewarding experience, which will additionally provide benefits in a communicative and social level. All in all, Hybrid Play it’s about PLAYING.

From now on we’ll share news, thoughts and games, even your own games! Soon we’ll have the opportunity to meet at Castellón, Barcelona or even at Athens (Greece), where we’ll attend many different events accompanied by our Hybrid Play stuff. Don’t get too far, we have a lot to talk about. See ya!